PASSWORDS and Pressure Relief

I know I am not writing on a topic I promised, but it is very topical. OMG-I hate paswords! Between the time spent trying to come up with a new one, writing them down, spending hours on the phone and the extra heartbeats when they don't work, I am shaving time off my lifespan. Sometimes I don't think technology is a good thing. I only have so many live animals, dead animals, birth dates of family members and lucky numbers! I have been on hold with Citibank for 20 minutes so far today because, apparently, my birth date or social security number changed and I don't know it!! Then they told me they needed to transfer me to another number, even though I called the one on the screen when they denied my existence!! I feel like I have to come up with a magic potion recipe to develop a new password-one capital letter, one even number, 3 eyes of newt, a symbol, a letter from the Greek alphabet, an Austen heroine.................................... I may be limited to living only a few more years because I will run out of passwords!!! Can I hear an Amen?

Confession time-no matter how hard I work on myself and try to be a better person, I seem to have a physical and emotional need to explode at people on the phone after I've been on hold and the person seems to have no clue what is going on. I gird my loins and try to take a deep breath before I call. Then as I'm on hold, the pressure builds and builds. If I don't get what I want, I explode! One of the bad things is that I can't apologize later because I have no idea even what country the person is in! But maybe that is why I explode, because they don't know me and will probably never talk to me again. Did you say Karma???? End of rant.

Good to know that I never have to worry about being perfect, but I will keep trying to get better! On my gravestone, maybe they can put:  heidi$%Tesla0516NekoJackson?

Neko trying to remember his iPhone password


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