The Defense of Being Busy- the Ultimate Ego Trip

The “old me” used to go to medical meetings and whine to everyone about how busy I was. It was the thing to do because that was what important people said. I suddenly realized there was no point to that. No one really cares. It repels people and makes them feel like you are too busy to listen to what they have to say. Although, many of them had to prove that they were busier than I was! Also, a very dear friend once told me, “there is nothing less attractive than a needy person.” When people whine about how busy they are, they seem needy.
Now, when people at medical meetings ask me how I am, I say “Great! Life is great.” It really throws them off. I don’t mind talking about work, but I like to talk about life. Many of these people I have known for over 20 years and have become friends as well as colleagues. I want to hear about their kids and the traveling they have done. Maybe because I am in the later years of my career and don’t feel like I have to prove myself so much anymore, I don’t care to talk so much about work.
I also hear this in groups I am in unrelated to my job. When is the last time you heard someone say, “I have so much free time, I just don’t know what to do with it?” And the reason I am busy is because I CHOOSE to be. AND because I have been blessed with a full life and wonderful people to spend time with. If I complain about being busy, whose fault is that? It is all my fault. I cycle, swim, and spend time outside. I play with my dogs. I like cooking dinner for my husband. I work more than one job. I spend time with my family, in-laws, and friends. I binge watch shows on Netflix and Amazon. I like to travel and read. All of those are choices!
Here is my challenge: when you see someone you haven’t seen for awhile, catch them off guard and ask them about their lives and DON’T tell them how busy you are. If you are too busy and DON’T like it, change it!

Now, these guys are busy. They have to carry rocks all over for nests and feed those fuzzy children!


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