Pain and Gratitude

This summer, I was traveling to a board review course and was informed that a dear friend who had been battling a chronic illness had suddenly worsened. In early July, I knew she had taken a bad turn and was planning to visit her in August. As the days passed, the timeline for me to go see her kept shortening. I flew to Dallas for the course and texted with her husband frequently. I was returning home on Sunday evening, and as she got sicker, I arranged to take a flight on Tuesday morning to try to get there to say my goodbyes and relieve her husband to spend the evening with his mother for her birthday. Early Saturday morning, I texted again to tell him I made reservations to come and he called and said she passed away early that morning. I hadn't seen her for several years and was so disappointed that I didn't get to say goodbye. I flew home on Sunday and went back to the airport Monday and left again for her services. I love this family so much. I have known the coup...