
Spoiler alert-this one is serious. I’m crying while I type it. I have been having so many intense feelings about family, lately. I am sure that as one ages, that is bound to happen. My mother is 91 and I remember a time when she started needing more help that I was resentful that as the only daughter I seemed to be the go to child. But I finally realized how lucky I am. My mother recently had a minor eye surgery and I got to be the one to drive her and spend time with her. We have so much fun talking to people in these situations. We joke and laugh and ask people about their lives. They seem surprised when we do. She always says that family is all that matters. As I get older, my family becomes more dear. It seems so trite to talk about how time flies. But I swear it was just yesterday that my brothers and I were swimming in our pond and our parents were taking care of all of our real problems. I still cannot reconcile the fact that I will never see my father again, even th...