
Showing posts from May, 2018

Birthdays-Every year is a gift

Birthdays-Every year is a gift Yesterday was my birthday and it started with tears of gratitude. I woke up to a wonderful husband wishing me a happy birthday and two four-legged children that are happy every morning. And I realized not only do I have more than I want but I have so much more than I need. The only plan for the day was to get a haircut and work in the morning. I was off work for the afternoon. I also had an overwhelming urge to see my mother. Intellectually, I have known for some time that relationships are the most important things in my life. But the message finally traveled from my head to my heart. My world is filled with as many facets as the lives I am honored to play even a minor role in. My best friend’s daughter sent a text thanking me for being her “second mom.” I heard from my niece and nephews and my step-daughter. I got cards and calls from so many people that I love. I read every Facebook message I received. The messages came from so many part...